Compare Travel Money Providers in UK

Compare Travel Money Providers in the UK and see which one can get the most for you when you buy or sell holiday money online.

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How do I pay for my cash home delivery?

Orders for Cash Home Delivery. Paid for by debit and credit cards. most travel money companies cannot accept BACS (Bank Transfer) payments for Cash Home Delivery orders.

How will I know if my Holiday Currency order was successful?

If your order has been successful receive a confirmation email confirming successful. If you do not receive this email it may mean that there has been a problem with your order in which case you should contact them.

Is there a minimum Holiday Money order value?

This depends on the travel money provider but most have a minimum order for Cash Home Delivery orders is £100. Please note, Orders less than £500 a delivery charge and handling fee added to your order.

When I get my travel money what denominations will it be in?

You will receive your currency in mixed denominations

How much Holiday Money can I order online?

The maximum amount of foreign currency that you can buy in one transaction is £2,500. Due to Royal Mail policy the maximum amount of money sent in a single day to one address. If you require more than this amount you need to contact the travel money company direct as you can order up to £7,500 over the phone

Can I cancel my Travel Money Order?

Cancellations are generally not permitted and not possible if the order has been posted in the mail. Only under special circumstances may they cancel orders, however, this is at their discretion. To cancel an order? Ring the travel money customer service advisors and emails are not accepted.

If cancelled, administrative fees usually charged. And applied and deducted from the value of your order. The currency will be converted at the rate prevalent on the day the cancellation performed. And may differ from the rate you paid. If you wish to cancel your order? Please contact the travel money company no later than 12 pm on the day before your order due.

My Travel Money is late and has not arrived am I due compensation?

Travel Money companies are not responsible for late-deliveries. Where the Postal Service has failed to meet the requirements of the Royal Mail Special Delivery service. However Travel Money companies will not help you in locating your order, please contact customer service advisors for assistance.nce.

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